Galaxy Wealth G.W Logo


...through financial prosperity, creating a better world!

We understand you desire to make wealth while maintaining the lifestyle you love.
At Galaxy, our goal is to help you find legitimate means of earning online with little or no capital.


"You will either step forward into growth or back into safety"
Abraham Maslow

Money Mindset

Your mindset can either work for or against you!

Take a moment to think about the following questions:
Do you believe you deserve more?
Do you think it is greedy for you to desire earning as much as 100 times more than your present income?
Do you think people ought to work extra hard before they can earn a decent wage?
Do you stereotype rich people as greedy, wicked or occult?
Your answers to these questions spell out some of the reasons you either have abundance flowing towards you or not.
Quickly, let me answer some of them for you:
Yes you deserve so much more income and there's absolutely nothing greedy about that!
Laziness is a red flag, of course, however, you don't have to work until you lose your health before you can earn a good and honest livelihood. Life doesn't have to be so frustrating, for crying out loud!
If you believe all rich people are bad, then you may never achieve affluence all your life no matter how hard you try.
Best selling author, Robert Kiyosaki said, 'The rich spend their money on assets, while the poor and middle class spend theirs on liabilities.' Simple definition: ASSETS bring income, while LIABILITIES are the opposite. If you have decided to make a difference in your finances this year 2022 and beyond, then this website is for you!

implementation course

72IG COURSE Testimonials

AFFILIATE MARKETING has been ranked by several platforms as number one among online businesses. With a market share of about $12 Billion; this business is rapidly turning students, employees, stay-at-home moms into millionaires, and you can also be one of them! It requires mainly your smart-phone and the internet.

"So many are earning a fortune on a weekly basis through the knowledge gained from this course. You can also be one of them."
Click here to learn more. Once registered, you get 100% FREE mentorship from Galaxy Inc. All you have to do is contact us via any of our contact addresses below. We will literally take you by the hand until you find your place among the stars.

To register NOW click here

Work as a virtual assistant from the comfort of your home...

DID YOU KNOW you can earn in US Dollars working as a Virtual Assistant from the comfort of your home?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has increased demand for remote workers. Virtual Assistants are able to work from home anywhere across the globe, and are in high demand. Earning as much as $50 (N28,500) per hour performing simple office assistant task that require basic Microsoft Office skills.
To get in-depth practical, step by step guide on how you can launch and grow a successful virtual assistant business FAST earning six figures weekly working with global clients from the comfort of your home, click here.

"Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today"
George Washington

Amazon KDP

say hi to Mr Wealth

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

whether you are a writer or not, this is for you!

Let’s say you CREATE (Not Write) and PUBLISH a book and prize it $9.99 and let’s assume 100 people buy that book in a month
That’s $999 for you.

What if you have more books or what if you even prized your book(s) more than $9.99 (as the example above), then you make more money.

Now, imagine you use our WRITING WITHOUT WRITING FORMULA to create and publish a book per day.

Even if you are very busy or lazy, you can create and publish minimum of 15 books in 30 days.

Now, if each of this 15 books give you just $100 each in 30 days, that is pure $1,500 in 30 days.

What if you make $200 from each of the 15 books in 30 days, THAT IS A MASSIVE $3,000 (15 X $200). You can convert it to your local currency. In Nigeria, it is over N1,500,000 in just 30 days

So imagine how much I make daily or even monthly from my over 150 books… LOL

This is what I and my students do to consistently generate thousands of dollars monthly without spending any additional money for adverts or hiring anyone…

AGAIN, it’s important to know that you don’t need to be a writer to do this…

This formula helps you to get started ASAP without any writing skills.

With this formula, you can create a book in a day.

One interesting thing about this opportunity is that your book can be just 20 pages, 25 pages, 30 pages or more…
No limitations!

It can be selling for life as long as you don’t unpublish it.

After implementing my strategies, a lot of our students are able to generate thousands of dollars in royalties…

Click here to learn more and get started.


"The path to success is to take massive determined actions"
Tony Robbins

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The Universe has been and will always be as rich as it has always been. What about you?

Thank you for visiting GalaxyWealth!

Image illustrating taking action instead of only thinking

Last edited: 1/18/2022